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The importance of sharing

November 3, 2010

People who know me well, and perhaps some who don't, know that I often share the painful experiences of my past.  My ex-husband was a very private person, and he hated this quality about me.  I could never get him to understand that there is no value in keeping lessons learned to ourselves. I believe it is a moral obligation, a calling, to try to help ease the pain of others when I can by sharing my story.

We go through trials not only to make us stronger, but to provide us with opportunities to help others grow stronger as well.  Who better to help someone who's hurting than someone who's been hurt?  Who better to offer advice, wisdom, or guidance in solving a problem than someone who's been there?  Sometimes the only sense we can make of an otherwise senseless tragedy is to turn it into an opportunity to bless others.  That's the reason for my knitting ministry and the reason why I write.

I think Eleanor Roosevelt had it right when she said "What is to give light must endure the burning."


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