Books by Sydney

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Defining family

September 13, 2010

Yesterday I saw Eat Pray Love and I was moved beyond words. I know the movie didn't get rave reviews, and I hadn't read the best-selling book, but I do like Julia Roberts and I've always been fascinating by tales of exploration and transformation, so I went to see it and I absolutely loved it .

Is your call still waiting?

September 1, 2010

"Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” I don't know where that quote originated, but I saw it posted on FaceBook recently. It's so true... and so applicable to my life .

I've been procrastinating for years on committing fully to what I believe my calling to be. I convinced myself that I had great reasons for holding
off, but it boils down to one ugly truth: fear.  Fear of not being able to support myself financially, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of uncertainty, fear of not having a steady paycheck, fear of not having health insurance or sick leave.

2009 ·New Calling by TNB